Thursday, August 2, 2012

Potatoes with Salmon Fish

Take a fresh Salmon fish make sure its boneless,add a bit of  sea salt,pepper and lemon juice  .

And Dill, take a oven pan put a bit of oil on it and salmon fish with the skin side up,and into the oven with a low heat 
cook for 10 to 15 minutes,remove the fish and take off the skin and marinate it just like above, and back to the oven cook for 15 minutes.

On a medium heat place a pan and add a bit of oil add onions,paprikka red
and yellow,carrot pieces,broccoli,a bitof salt,pepper mix powder and fry for like
10 minutes.

Add cream let it boil for 5 to 10 minutes,sauce is  ready.

Ready Salmon to be served.

Put four potatoes on the middle of your plate add the sauce on top and
then a fish piece,and lettuce,tomato pieces to make a plate look more inviting.

Ready to be served.


  1. kwa mwendo huu mbona unaingia mtv3 haha
    kama suggestion ukiweza pia make video versions on youtube for some of the recipes, would be good. big ups. JRyder

    1. Thanks! Nitaanza kuweka videos of me in action and the recipes too, kwa hiyo itakua ni pictures and videos!!
